Today, while I was packing, I left the room, only for a moment. When I came back...Piggy was here. Take a look for yourself.
I think he misses you guys and was afraid that I'd leave him here all by his lonesome. I guess I'll have to bring him with!
Then I told him to go outside and play so I could finish my packing...but mr. poopmouth, naughty little piggy, got into a pretty little mess. Just can't trust that pig!
So I told him to "be quick" and go potty and then he'll have to come back inside with me. Again I turned away and then I couldn't find him! Then I turned the corner and there he was... I think piggy thinks he's a people!
Me and Lauren worked with him for a while, to teach him he's just a little piggy and showed him how little piggies go potty. I think he's starting to catch on!
So we brought him inside to keep an eye on him...but I think we taught him a little too well to love red things-like fire hydrans...silly little piggy people. I don't think he'll ever learn! Dont worry...we caught him before he pulled it!
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