Piggy made a friend...
His name is Milton.
Milton is a monkey.
Piggy and Milton decided they wanted to blend in with the people of Iraq. They didn't want to stand out as tourists or visitors or stuffed animals even so they sat out on the Iraqi street and played music for the local nationals. They did get some things for playing...a variety of nice rocks, some papers, and a one dollar bill. :D Not too bad for a plush pig and a stuffed monkey.
Now...Piggy and Milton, when walking the streets of Iraq, got into with one of the local tribes here in Iraq. Something about pooping on the street...I guess it offends them. I don't know...but there they were...in a tight spot. The fire almost started...the fixin's for a mighty pig-roast feast.
I jump onto the line and save their poor stuffed souls with my mighty ninja skills.
...escaping by the hair of our chinnee-chin-chins, we had to hide out in a bunker until they left the area.
...then, swiftly like a banchee, we scaled the wall (aka HESCO barrier) and lucky we had Milton too and his mutant tail...look at that climbing talent!
LOOK! He even held up the big guy :D
Then we finally made it to the top and out of harms reach
The only thing left to do after a street concert, a near death experience on a skewer and an amazing getaway? That's right, kick back and watch the stars...
I sure hope I get to meet this incredible Piggy some day! Basically, that phone call made me ridiculously happy. You have skills friend, few can induce that level of happiness. :)
I love the Pig's Adventures! And now with Milton...what a team! Wait until Cel and Em see this!
I LOVE IT! BTW...they are having way too much fun!
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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