Theeeis is our night-time soccer game. And Theeis is me after I body slammed a Major...and he landed on me and I quite possibly may have received a concussion from my head impacting the ground :D haha...but what's a soccer game if nobody gets hurt!?! Well, my team won...and it was a GREAT time
We also played softball. That's right, on an all dirt/sand field. I'm telling ya, the ball goes a lot harder and faster when there's no grass. But I never imagined I'd get to throw/hit/field a softball in Iraq. It was great! The MWR (the one who sponsored the G-Olympics) had a whole box-full of gloves, and about 10 bats to choose from! I was impressed :D
We won this game...oh man...can the Boss (LTC Jones) sure hit a home run!! At the end I think he was just starting to show off....wait a minute...I just noticed! There's a guy from the other team that snuck into our champion photograph! ah ahah
And then...I sang in the talent show competition. I ended up dragging my guitar up there with me. I sang an original song I wrote and and song I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with--Ain't no Rock! It was so much fun! Afterward I had two people confront me and say they would promote me and my music. They would record my stuff, get it out there and try to get me a record deal, or just some radio air time. They both were dead serious...I thought they were joking :) But I'm still kinda toying with the idea. One was my Sergeant Major who has his own recording equipment. He just asked me--how far do you want to take this? So that's what I'm trying to decide.
and I just want to show you quick how BEAUTIFUL the desert can be...
1 comment:
:) thanks for the pics and the updates dollface! love you big and miss you more than dad's big breakfasts!
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