Tuesday, October 7, 2008

whoop whoop for a slice of awesome-ness

I like pie...but the slice of awesomeness on Saturday night that I experienced was better than any pie...and I'll tell you why. In this picture we have threeee veeerrrrry special people (aka the slice of awesomeness). Nick, Brenda and Ben. Jake, is always telling me about his best buddies, Nick and Ben and how freakin' awesome they are. So, like any normal person who likes to meet awesome people, I really wanted to meet these guys.
Problem #1: Jake lives in NC, I live in Omaha and these two guys don't live in either place...
So Saturday I was in my parents hometown and our plan was to watch the HUSKER game, well husker game actually, because it wasn't so pretty and I'm a liiiiiiiiiiil bit embarrassed right now. So it ended up that Brenda, me, my mom and sister all went out to watch the game. Besides the game sucking, it was a really good time!! It's always SO GREAT to see Brenda, so that was a piece of that pie I was talking about. Then she and her friends and I went to a "club" (and the term 'club' is really pushing the limits...more like a smalltown-hiphop-hoedown) to dance a little. Ahem...problem #1 from before found it's solution at this point. Who would'a thunk that Jake's two buddies would be there that night? And they just happened to be friends with MY good friend who was there as well and actually introduced me to them! HAHA! Oh, so I was more than delighted to meet them and I had a great slice of wonderfulness because of the whole shibang. Great to meet you guys!! Always fun to hang out with you, Brenda! hooray for slices of awesomeness.

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