Then when I was reading "Captivating" I was learning about other than physical beauty. The beauty that starts out deep inside. I started to realize that it's so easy in today's society to keep that beauty buried. But when that beauty reveals itself it draws people out, it invites people to also be real and maybe even to reveal their own beauty. I started to crave that. Then I heard God speak to me...that's when I had to write it down. It came out in a song...
Be quiet my soul
Be still and know you are God
Jesus, quiet me with your love
You said, "Bethany, you're beauty
You're breathtaking wonderful splendor, my love
But you hide behind the tasks of your day
Not willing to give one emotion away
Your beauty is hidden in all the noise."
Be quiet my soul
Be still and know you are God
Jesus, quiet me with your love.
You said, "Bethany, you're beauty
You're breathtaking wonderful splendor, my love
But you're so afraid of what someone may find
Wanting to show and have some peace of mind
But you build up your walls and the beauty's inside."
Be quiet my soul
Be still and know you are God
Jesus quiet me with your love.
That is so wonderful! I love the words and the beautiful truth that you shared! I love you so much, Beth... and can't wait for you to share more!
beautiful lesson, beautiful song, by a beautiful young woman! love you and miss you, see you soon!
¿Por qué siempre que menciona a Dios pone Jesús al lado? Son dos personas absolutamente distintas. Jesús fue lo primero que Dios creó. Si no me cree, véalo usted misma en : Apocalipsis cap. 3:14.-
Aparte que Dios mismo dijo que él era el único Dios:Isaías 43:10.-
Saludos cariñosos desde Santiago de Chile.- Raquel
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