It was super hot. A day that my friend Morgan would call 'Crunchy.' We've come up with three (3) categories of hot here in 'raq.
1. Blowdryer hot-this hot requires a nice strong wind. Much like walking through a field of blowdryers, on high, and all pointed at your FACE
2. Oven hot-this type of hot doesn't require the wind. This is like sticking your face in an oven to smell the baking cookies...but there are no baking cookies...and instead of just sticking your face in it, you have to crawl inside and someone locks the door and you're just stuck inside...and as some might say, "it feels like there's a fire in my pants."
3. Crunchy hot-Now this is the mother of all hots. Crunchy hot is like when you leave the cookies in the oven for too long and they loose every bit of moisture they once had. This hot you feel in your eyeballs and nose and mouth because they all kinda feel like they stick when you go out on a crunchy hot day. Now one thing to remember is, on crunchy hot days it is not rude for someone to stare...really, you can't help it where your eyes get stuck. On crunchy days it sounds like everything around you crunches whether it's supposed to or not. Your uniform, your hair, your food, milk that you drank while you were inside...but when you go outside you realize that "milk was a bad choice."
Well on this one particular crunchy day I just happened to have all of my tasks take place outside. Cleaning the landing zone where helicopters land for incoming visitors, cleaning vehicles for those same visitors, inventorying a storage connex, and un-installing rusted-on antennas from Hummvees!
I tell ya, I didn't know sweating that much was possible. My back and t-shirt felt crunchy with all the salt residue. My sunglasses were crunchy with all the salt. Everything on me felt crunchy...and thus I found out that there are 'crunchy' days in Iraq.
ahh baby girl, that sounds like a bad day in phx only worse because you can't park in the shade, walk into metro, get a nice cold soda from chikfalet, and get your shopping on in the nice cold air conditioning :(
You really look like you know what you're doing taking those antenas off the HMMWVs there. And you're still beautiful even on Crunchy Hot Days.
aahahahaha - those are the antennas?! i was thinking it was something that had nothing to do with the post at all, maybe some kinda pole-thingy. antennas are skinny and just screw in real easy, so you can take 'em off quick when you go through the car wash, silly!
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