Once upon a time, we had an orange day. Now, I've been told they get a lot more orange, but it was still a little bit eerie walking outside into it. It wasn't really windy...but it was like the sand was gently settling and created an orange filter from the sun.
THEN...our connex showed up once upon a time...and I got all of my pretty things for my room. It's starting to feel a little more homey and I love my room. It's complete with 19inch tv/dvd player I inherited, a microwave, a coffee maker, a digital picture frame, my guitar and hanging guitar stand, and a lot more things. It's just like home...and not too bad. Thanks ma and pa and family for sending me all these goodies!! I'm loving it and how it reminds me of home. Also, mom, I got a metal poster that says "blue moon" that reminds me of the timeless "Blue Moon" song you play oh so beautifully! Pictures to follow, I'm sure!
very pleasant visit indeed. That request apparently came AFTER they blew up 10 blow dryers because they didn't realize 110 can't be plugged into 220 voltage. Now, I don't claim to be smart with electronics, but I DO know I would've stopped trying to run blow driers after about 2 blew up. I'm not saying...I'm just saying...it's kinda common sense. :D
It was a fun visit overall, though and they were nice enough to come visit me in my shop and take a picture with me. They were bored, though after about 10 minutes of us explaining to them what we do. haha...it's alright, cheerleaders, can't win 'em all.
Hahaha - love it!
Well, I can't claim to learn from my mistakes quickly. I was told that the best hamburgers had onion soup mix in them, so on 3 (or 4) separate occasions I bought onion soup and slopped it in with my ground beef and could never... quite... figure out... how to keep... the slimey... burger... from sliding through the grill grate and falling into the coals. Oh, "onion soup mix is a dry powder" you say? Ah, well maybe next time people should be a bit more specific. Thank goodness I don't use hair dryers anymore.
aahahahahahaha - ern, that and valentines day are my all-time fav stories you tell :D B, thanks for that pic ;) i love ya Big dollface and miss you more than pretty sunrises or cheerleaders (see how they are on par with the sun?)
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