Snow drifts up to my head and all snuggled inside. What a beautiful white Christmas.
I love being with everyone I love! Aaron's here from Boston and Drew has moved from Florida. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful family and such a loving fiance.
Now my trip to family from Lincoln was not such an easy one! I started on the ma's birthday :) it was raining in the morning, but not yet freezing. After I made it out of Lincoln it started freezing over and the sleet started falling. My knuckles were white on my steering wheel and I was wishing that I wouldn't have left home. My tires could barely find traction up hills and my car felt like the little train that could... 'cept I was starting to doubt that it could. The slush was building up on the highway and I was fighting to keep a straight line. I slowed down to 40mph thinking I was being conservative in my little 4 cylinder, 5-speed, no anti-lock break car. I hit a rut with my back tires and the mayhem began. I started swerving slightly...and then the swerves got bigger. All I said was, "oh shit oh shit!" haha I knew I was heading into a full out spin. And I did...I did about 3 spins. In my lane first and then over into oncoming traffic and then into the snow drift in the ditch. :( I had never gotten stuck before so I was scared. Making trembling-voiced calls to Drew and Dad, I was trying to call for a tow truck to get me out. I saw everyone looking at me as they drove by but nobody stopped. All the sudden a red truck that had passed circled around to me and the gal got out. She said, "you from 7-county? Are you headed to Norfolk?" yeah! She asked if I wanted a ride! So I literally unpacked my car and snuggled in with them as we made our 4 hour journey to Norfolk! I happened to know the couple too! Now, it's folks like these who make Christmas...who understand the Christmas spirit. She didn't know that she knew me when she made the stop, but she was willing to bend her schedule enough to turn my horrible start of a Christmas into a huge blessing. Thanks Jill Wilson :) And thanks to my Dad who then drove all the way back to Seward the same day to drag my car out of the ditch! And Drew who helped him!
Merry Christmas to all
May you be blessed with abounding love this Christmas season
Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
a song inspired
I wrote this after my last Bible study here at FOB Grizzly. These last couple weeks it seems like the reoccurring theme is how to be quiet. It didn't occur to me that there was a different type of quiet other than the physical 'hush hush' 'be quiet!' But I was finding that even when all around me was completely silent my soul was still loud. Then I kept stumbling on verses like Psalm 46 "Be still and know I am God." and Isaiah 30:15 "In repentance and rest is your salvation. In quietness and trust is your strength." and Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." I knew I needed a change in my life. I needed to learn how to be quiet.
Then when I was reading "Captivating" I was learning about other than physical beauty. The beauty that starts out deep inside. I started to realize that it's so easy in today's society to keep that beauty buried. But when that beauty reveals itself it draws people out, it invites people to also be real and maybe even to reveal their own beauty. I started to crave that. Then I heard God speak to me...that's when I had to write it down. It came out in a song...

Be quiet my soul
Be still and know you are God
Jesus, quiet me with your love
You said, "Bethany, you're beauty
You're breathtaking wonderful splendor, my love
But you hide behind the tasks of your day
Not willing to give one emotion away
Your beauty is hidden in all the noise."
Be quiet my soul
Be still and know you are God
Jesus, quiet me with your love.
You said, "Bethany, you're beauty
You're breathtaking wonderful splendor, my love
But you're so afraid of what someone may find
Wanting to show and have some peace of mind
But you build up your walls and the beauty's inside."
Be quiet my soul
Be still and know you are God
Jesus quiet me with your love.
Then when I was reading "Captivating" I was learning about other than physical beauty. The beauty that starts out deep inside. I started to realize that it's so easy in today's society to keep that beauty buried. But when that beauty reveals itself it draws people out, it invites people to also be real and maybe even to reveal their own beauty. I started to crave that. Then I heard God speak to me...that's when I had to write it down. It came out in a song...
Be quiet my soul
Be still and know you are God
Jesus, quiet me with your love
You said, "Bethany, you're beauty
You're breathtaking wonderful splendor, my love
But you hide behind the tasks of your day
Not willing to give one emotion away
Your beauty is hidden in all the noise."
Be quiet my soul
Be still and know you are God
Jesus, quiet me with your love.
You said, "Bethany, you're beauty
You're breathtaking wonderful splendor, my love
But you're so afraid of what someone may find
Wanting to show and have some peace of mind
But you build up your walls and the beauty's inside."
Be quiet my soul
Be still and know you are God
Jesus quiet me with your love.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
10 of my lessons learned...Iraqi style
1. Always always always carry a flashlight with you to the porta-pottie in hours of darkness...always. There are always secrets that lurk in the shadows that are squishy and don't smell nice.
2. Don't sit in the middle of the seat of a porta-pottie when taking a dump. you laugh...but that poo drops straight in and that blue water jumps straight out sometimes causing a clothing dilemma.
3. During hours of sunlight do not, I say again, do NOT touch metal things without gloves. You will literally burn your hands off.
4. After a full dusty day of being outside with your hair in a bun, do NOT attempt to brush through your hair without washing it first. I believe 'rat nest' is enough explanation. One day I looked like I had dreadlocks. I almost kept them :)
5. If the Iraqi tells you "meet me there at 10," they do NOT mean be there by 10. They mean, I will start to think about getting off this chair at 10. Then I will put on my shoes, my jacket, have another glass of chai tea, converse a little longer, gather everyone up--and meet you...later. okay? haha
6. If you will be traveling the Iraqi countryside-take a car with awesome suspension. Not just good or decent or even great suspension...but awesome. You'll need it to prevent shaken baby syndrome that is prevalent among Iraqi adults who travel on Iraqi roads. And I'm sure I have a case of it from riding in military vehicles...that and brain injuries suffered from hitting my head off of the ceilings of the vehicles. hehe
7. Before traveling anywhere be it by truck, airplane, or helicopter ALWAYS go to the bathroom...even if you don't have to. Something psychologically happens when you step into that porta-pottie which will delay the urge. but if you don't, you will be doing the cross-legged dance because something ALWAYS comes up to delay travel. And that's a FACT.
8. If you step outside and everything has an orange hue to it, go back inside. Poo is in the air. It's much like a snow day :) Except orange instead of white...and poo instead of snow. haha
9. Don't use the lights unless you trust them. I have watched a light fixture pop, spout a small fire and smoke while mounted in a vinyl tent. I think my jaw hit the floor before I did anything about it. haha
10. 70 Degrees can feel cold. I didn't know that before. After a day of 120-130 degrees when it drops down to this at night, I get the shivers and the goosepimples...I may even wear sweats and a long sleeve shirt. I believe I am in for a shock when I get to the 'Braskee :D
2. Don't sit in the middle of the seat of a porta-pottie when taking a dump. you laugh...but that poo drops straight in and that blue water jumps straight out sometimes causing a clothing dilemma.
3. During hours of sunlight do not, I say again, do NOT touch metal things without gloves. You will literally burn your hands off.
4. After a full dusty day of being outside with your hair in a bun, do NOT attempt to brush through your hair without washing it first. I believe 'rat nest' is enough explanation. One day I looked like I had dreadlocks. I almost kept them :)
5. If the Iraqi tells you "meet me there at 10," they do NOT mean be there by 10. They mean, I will start to think about getting off this chair at 10. Then I will put on my shoes, my jacket, have another glass of chai tea, converse a little longer, gather everyone up--and meet you...later. okay? haha
6. If you will be traveling the Iraqi countryside-take a car with awesome suspension. Not just good or decent or even great suspension...but awesome. You'll need it to prevent shaken baby syndrome that is prevalent among Iraqi adults who travel on Iraqi roads. And I'm sure I have a case of it from riding in military vehicles...that and brain injuries suffered from hitting my head off of the ceilings of the vehicles. hehe
7. Before traveling anywhere be it by truck, airplane, or helicopter ALWAYS go to the bathroom...even if you don't have to. Something psychologically happens when you step into that porta-pottie which will delay the urge. but if you don't, you will be doing the cross-legged dance because something ALWAYS comes up to delay travel. And that's a FACT.
8. If you step outside and everything has an orange hue to it, go back inside. Poo is in the air. It's much like a snow day :) Except orange instead of white...and poo instead of snow. haha
9. Don't use the lights unless you trust them. I have watched a light fixture pop, spout a small fire and smoke while mounted in a vinyl tent. I think my jaw hit the floor before I did anything about it. haha
10. 70 Degrees can feel cold. I didn't know that before. After a day of 120-130 degrees when it drops down to this at night, I get the shivers and the goosepimples...I may even wear sweats and a long sleeve shirt. I believe I am in for a shock when I get to the 'Braskee :D
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I woke up to a thunderstorm
In Iraq
It rained on me on my walk to the shower and I was actually cold. I think I got goosepimples. It thundered and lightning-ed last night all through the Husker game-which I stayed up for. It didn't get over until after 2am :) I thought of the thunder as God's way of saying, "GO BIG RED!" (I'm pretty sure God is a Husker fan. I don't see how he could NOT be.) There really hasn't even been a cloud in the sky for many many moons. The last time there were clouds was probably late February. It truly was one of the best things to see clouds after endless and continuous days of the unshielded bright desert sun. The only other weather we had other than sunny was dusty. Now it's been overcast all day. It's quite an amazing sight to see clouds when you haven't seen them for 6 months. I never knew that before. I find myself just staring at the clouds in amazement. wondering how I could ever take for granted how the sun barely peeks through the clouds and how the clouds billow and roll through the sky. wow. The smell of rain is still in the air. It is only 90 degrees today. It's beautiful. For a long time now the song that goes, "Let it rain, let it rain, open the floodgates of heaven," has been on my mind and God opened his floodgates last night and today for us. He had mercy on this dry and weary land. Praise the Lord oh my soul.
We had church today too. Our church now has a worship band :D :D There are three of us who play guitar...including myself and a drummer and a singer! I never thought I would or could ever play in front of people for real. But when I first got over here there was no one who played and people were aching for music. I couldn't say that I wasn't good enough to play when people were begging me to play for service. So I played...awkwardly and with lots of mistakes, but I played. Then, when these other guys showed up who played guitar I've not only gotten better at playing and singing, but I've also learned how to jam out with others AND a drummer. It has been an amazing experience and I've overcome my fear of playing my guitar in front of people. Well, we played for service this morning and I get to play again at the service tonight. Just when I thought I was alone here and the person I love had to leave to go back to the states and my heart ached with how much I missed everyone, God provided. I've been blown away more times than I can even count at how awesome our God is. Who knew God could open my eyes so much with just a simple thunderstorm.
It rained on me on my walk to the shower and I was actually cold. I think I got goosepimples. It thundered and lightning-ed last night all through the Husker game-which I stayed up for. It didn't get over until after 2am :) I thought of the thunder as God's way of saying, "GO BIG RED!" (I'm pretty sure God is a Husker fan. I don't see how he could NOT be.) There really hasn't even been a cloud in the sky for many many moons. The last time there were clouds was probably late February. It truly was one of the best things to see clouds after endless and continuous days of the unshielded bright desert sun. The only other weather we had other than sunny was dusty. Now it's been overcast all day. It's quite an amazing sight to see clouds when you haven't seen them for 6 months. I never knew that before. I find myself just staring at the clouds in amazement. wondering how I could ever take for granted how the sun barely peeks through the clouds and how the clouds billow and roll through the sky. wow. The smell of rain is still in the air. It is only 90 degrees today. It's beautiful. For a long time now the song that goes, "Let it rain, let it rain, open the floodgates of heaven," has been on my mind and God opened his floodgates last night and today for us. He had mercy on this dry and weary land. Praise the Lord oh my soul.
We had church today too. Our church now has a worship band :D :D There are three of us who play guitar...including myself and a drummer and a singer! I never thought I would or could ever play in front of people for real. But when I first got over here there was no one who played and people were aching for music. I couldn't say that I wasn't good enough to play when people were begging me to play for service. So I played...awkwardly and with lots of mistakes, but I played. Then, when these other guys showed up who played guitar I've not only gotten better at playing and singing, but I've also learned how to jam out with others AND a drummer. It has been an amazing experience and I've overcome my fear of playing my guitar in front of people. Well, we played for service this morning and I get to play again at the service tonight. Just when I thought I was alone here and the person I love had to leave to go back to the states and my heart ached with how much I missed everyone, God provided. I've been blown away more times than I can even count at how awesome our God is. Who knew God could open my eyes so much with just a simple thunderstorm.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Poke poke POKE!
How to poke a yawn
By Bethany "yawn-poking" Davis
and with original inspiration of Jennica Huscher who taught me everything I know about yawn-poking...and Andrew Lierman for giving me (not willingly) lots of practice on yawn-poking which is why I am now an expert. Thanks!
Once the opportunity presents itself, you have to prepare yourself. Look closely at the open mouth and position your finger directly in front of the mouth. (This could take some practice. As you can see, I am quite focused).

Once your finger is positioned, move your hand slowly to the open mouth so as to not miss the target.

As you move your finger closer, you must pay attention to any signs of the mouth closing and the yawn finishing. An unexpected closure could result in an injury on the poker's part.

When the yawn is in full swing, insert your finger into the yawner's mouth just enough to break the plane, but careful not to touch any part of the inside of the mouth. Unless your hands are freshly washed. Then you could lightly poke the yawner's tongue for an added bonus.

Once your finger has broken the open-mouth plane, quickly remove your finger. Usually the yawner is quite upset because you will ruin a perfectly good yawn, so it is vital to remove your finger quickly so they do not bite in defense. Once you have successfully poked the yawn, it is quite necessary to celebrate...just a bit. You did, after all make it out with all your fingers attached!

you have just become a certified yawn-poker
By Bethany "yawn-poking" Davis
and with original inspiration of Jennica Huscher who taught me everything I know about yawn-poking...and Andrew Lierman for giving me (not willingly) lots of practice on yawn-poking which is why I am now an expert. Thanks!
Once the opportunity presents itself, you have to prepare yourself. Look closely at the open mouth and position your finger directly in front of the mouth. (This could take some practice. As you can see, I am quite focused).
Once your finger is positioned, move your hand slowly to the open mouth so as to not miss the target.
As you move your finger closer, you must pay attention to any signs of the mouth closing and the yawn finishing. An unexpected closure could result in an injury on the poker's part.
When the yawn is in full swing, insert your finger into the yawner's mouth just enough to break the plane, but careful not to touch any part of the inside of the mouth. Unless your hands are freshly washed. Then you could lightly poke the yawner's tongue for an added bonus.
Once your finger has broken the open-mouth plane, quickly remove your finger. Usually the yawner is quite upset because you will ruin a perfectly good yawn, so it is vital to remove your finger quickly so they do not bite in defense. Once you have successfully poked the yawn, it is quite necessary to celebrate...just a bit. You did, after all make it out with all your fingers attached!
you have just become a certified yawn-poker
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I lup my family
boredom....not really worth reading :)
i am officially bored.
i have beat my record of 14 straight wins on freecell. I'm up to 17 games...and am needing a break. My eyes are going crossed.
i've found that because i've played so much freecell, solitaire is extremely difficult to play now. so that's out of the question.
hearts is one of those games that no matter how much i try to stratigize i always end up last place. playing the computer is such a tease and no one always wants to loose...hearts is out too. :)
and that leaves zuma. zuma is a game where these balls go round and round and you have to get three colors in a row to eliminate them. well, i've found that with too much zuma all i see when i close my eyes are colored balls going round and round and round...i can't sleep because of it! haha it really is frustrating. so, no zuma
i've done all i can do, and i've been looking through old friend's pictures on facebook all morning wondering why life has to take people away from each other... *gasping for air* gimme something to do!!!!
it's strange, but i can't relax when i have nothing to do. it makes me i SHOULD be doing something, i am at work after all. and it's amazing how bored i get with things like facebook and myspace. maybe i should adopt animals on facebook and start a farm. or maybe i should sweep the floors...again. :) such great options...such hard choices.

this has absolutely no connection with the above...but i DO love chips and french onion dip :D
i have beat my record of 14 straight wins on freecell. I'm up to 17 games...and am needing a break. My eyes are going crossed.
i've found that because i've played so much freecell, solitaire is extremely difficult to play now. so that's out of the question.
hearts is one of those games that no matter how much i try to stratigize i always end up last place. playing the computer is such a tease and no one always wants to loose...hearts is out too. :)
and that leaves zuma. zuma is a game where these balls go round and round and you have to get three colors in a row to eliminate them. well, i've found that with too much zuma all i see when i close my eyes are colored balls going round and round and round...i can't sleep because of it! haha it really is frustrating. so, no zuma
i've done all i can do, and i've been looking through old friend's pictures on facebook all morning wondering why life has to take people away from each other... *gasping for air* gimme something to do!!!!
it's strange, but i can't relax when i have nothing to do. it makes me i SHOULD be doing something, i am at work after all. and it's amazing how bored i get with things like facebook and myspace. maybe i should adopt animals on facebook and start a farm. or maybe i should sweep the floors...again. :) such great options...such hard choices.
this has absolutely no connection with the above...but i DO love chips and french onion dip :D
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