After a 5-day trip back to the states, I had my family from Omaha there to greet me! What a great banner they had made! Oh I love my fam
I went out with my friends...
Watched my kick-ask sissterrrr play some volleyball! Woot woot! I went purely for moral support and not because there was copious amounts of beer available:) hehe
Watched my beautiful cousin Olivia dance!!! I loved it!
...and I danced. Maaaaybe not the same TYPE of dance?? hehe :D
Played some softball--GO GRACE! woo!
Got to spend some awesome time with the family!
AND I got to go to Boston to visit my brutha, Aaron! That in itself is a WHOLE nother blog! We had such a great time!
All in all I'd say it was a pretty freakin awesome leave!